Snow and the Sea

We've had a busy few days as I simply can't resist taking the boys out in the snow!

On the first day of snow, we had things to do, so all we could manage was a walk down to the local shop.  This might not seem so exciting, but previously I've always taken the boys to the shop in the pram or car as the return journey would be a serious uphill walk for them, and also I haven't been sure of my ability to keep tabs on them both and there are plenty of roads to cross on the way.

But, OB has got better at not running away recently, and the roads were quiet with all the traffic going slowly in the snow, so I thought we'd try it.

The boys were very excited!

Making Tracks!
Running like penguins :)

Today we began a project that I've been planning for a while.  We're having an Under The Sea theme at our house for the next week or two.  In preparation, I had already bought a plain white sheet, some bright glitter paint, and a bucket of sticky foam sea creature shapes.

Today we painted our sheet using our hands and feet, and then stuck our glittery, foamy sea creatures onto it.  Once it was all ready, we had over an hour of fun playing on the 'sea' with our Noah's Ark, with sea creatures and boats, pretending to swim, reading sea-related books and singing sea-related songs.  All lovely fun :)

Getting our hands and feet dirty

Foamy sea creature stickers - we've saved some of these for future creations!

We also managed another walk in the snow - this time we ventured as far as the local lake, where it was bitterly cold!  We braved the freezing winds for about 40 minutes, but when it looked like the skin on their cheeks was going raw, we went off to the visitors' centre for a lovely hot chocolate :)

 The boys had enormous fun throwing snowballs at me.  Of course, they can't make snowballs and they can't really throw either, so what this really consisted of was them picking up snow in their mittens, me pretending to run away, them chasing me, me being 'caught' and then standing still for quite a long time while they wiped their snow on my trousers, laughing their little heads off!

Days like these . . . gold :)


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