Now We Are Five!
We have celebrated in fine style with a party yesterday, and presents, lunch out at the local pile 'em high, skype to beloved grandparents and more presents today.
Every year the birthday party provides a creative challenge for me, so I was beyond delighted this year when OB announced that he wanted a 'Paw Patrol Party'. Awesome! Went on the internet and ordered a load of Paw Patrol accessories and job done!
In fact, this has been the least stressful birthday party I've ever done. All the ready-made Paw Patrol stuff was reasonably priced and did the trick for decorating the room and providing table accessories and one of the party games, and the cake I saw on Pinterest was the easiest I have ever decorated. I normally spend hours sweating over fondant icing and turning the air blue, but this year I just glued a load of biscuits and maltesers to a double-layer chocolate cake using Betty Crocker's Chocolate Fudge Spread. I love Betty Crocker.
Today I arranged a playdate for Twinkle (with some heroic friends of mine!) so that OB and I could have some very rare together-time over lunch. I had arranged childcare for Birdy too, but OB wanted her to come! It wasn't long, but it was nice to sit together, eat and 'be'.
He has had many lovely presents which he is exploring bit by bit. Particular favourites so far are a mini car racing track with a booster that shoots the car out and a track that flips over. It's hard to explain but he loves it. He also loves the toy doggy in a plastic pet carrier that he's had his eye on for ages. Another favourite is the Mr Potato Head toy which was actually a pass-the-parcel prize from the party that he inadvertently won! Actually the little girl sitting next to him won it, but before she even opened it, she passed it on to OB because it was his birthday so she'd rather he had it. That is one awesome little girl.
He had the good grace to forget that I'd already told him he could have it, and to be completely amazed when he saw it sitting there this morning. I think he loves it. He tenderly covered it with a sheet before he went to bed tonight!
Happy Birthday OB!
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